Marianna Balaa
Marching band musicians performing.
The choice is yours. Are you really missing out?
Will you keep moving forward?
Elevated View Of Person's Hand Removing Paycheck From The Envelope Over Wooden Desk
God does the impossible.
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There are no sharks in here, right?
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Campers continue to show their skills in the All-Star games.
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All-Stars kicks off with flag football and volleyball.
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It’s just called Wacky Games, but there is definitely water involved.
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Campers enjoy the most formal meal served at camp.
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“On your mark, get set … go!”
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Campers were challenged on their biblical knowledge in the 2018 Bible Bowl.
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4G takes on the Brussel Sprouts.
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The bluebirds aim for the bullseye.
Campers visit the Ezekiel Temple model, the prayer rock, the “Seals of Isaiah and King Hezekiah Discovered” exhibit, and the Mail Processing Center.
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3G has five activities at once.
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New bikes, happy campers and … dancing?
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5G versus the traffic cones.
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6G dives right in to their last swim class.
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Campers and members of the local congregation watch Teen Talent Contest music and dance finalists on “the big screen” in Armstrong Auditorium.
Stick Night
120 campers stick to stating their goals.
Camp Director Wayne Turgeon delivers the PYC orientation lecture.
When campers come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.