The angels greatly look forward to their participation in Christ’s establishment of God’s government on earth. Does our excitement exceed that of the angels?
Learn the truth about angels and evil spirits. Both have a profound impact on your life.
Winston Churchill once said that the history of man is the history of war. Wars are killing tens of thousands of people around the world every year. Yet, the most important war of all goes unseen. Discover how spiritual armies are fighting for control of human minds.
In the World Tomorrow, how will spirit beings and human beings interact?
This holiday—its decorations, costumes and fun—has a dark side that should make us want to stop going all out for Halloween.
Satan’s grand strategy. Do you know what it is? Are you falling for it?
Many people in this world do not believe in the devil. But even more people do believe in the devil—yet don’t realize what great and frightening power he has!
It is far more astounding than any science-fiction fantasy—and it is absolute reality!
Is the belief in a devil an attempt by superstitious men to explain the presence of evil in this world?