250127-GRF-Ichabod-Our Greatest Warning Today
Make sure you are with God, and He will be with you!
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Have faith in God’s prophecy.
The White House in Washington DC under dark stormy clouds
God tells us what to expect next.
The White House
Extreme close up view of sand flowing through an hour glass. Super closeup of hourglass clock middle.  Classic sandglass timer countdown.
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Concerned the world is about to end? Study, prove and believe these pivotal prophecies!
16x5(China Libraries) Herbert W. Armstrong
For over five decades, God used Herbert W. Armstrong to teach the world the meaning of the Bible’s prophecies.
Prophecy --- Proof of God
Psalm 137 paints a terrifying prophetic picture of a tragedy about to befall a great many of God’s people.
16x9(Key of David)
Here are seven points, straight out of the Bible, to help you understand this vital truth. 
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Are you also missing out because you have yet to discover this eye-opening fact?
16x9 (Frustration Reading Bible)
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One cannot unlock the mystery in Bible prophecy without this indispensable key.
Nidaros Cathedral is Norway's national sanctuary, and was built over the grave of St. Olav, Norway's patron saint. Construction started in 1070, but the oldest parts still in existence are from the middle of the twelfth century. The cathedral is built in Gothic style, but the oldest parts around the transept reflect the Roman style. From around 1050 until the Reformation this cathedral was an important destination for pilgrims.
The Bible describes a mark, which will be key to a man’s physical existence in the near future as it has been in the past. But it also speaks of another, contrasting mark that is essential for our spiritual survival. How well do you understand the impact of these marks on you, personally? You need to know. It is a matter of life and death!
Revelation 13 beast, 16 by 9 ratio
Have you heard of the prophetic “beast”? Do you know what it is and if it is real?
Dramatic sky over Jerusalem, view from the Olive Mountain, taken shortly before a thunderstorm
The Jewish State of Israel is in extreme danger. The Middle East is undergoing radical changes, and the risk of violence engulfing the Jews is growing with each passing month!
Sand dunes on Libyan Desert. The Sahara Desert is the world's largest hot desert.
Great leaders like Winston Churchill and Douglas MacArthur have made statements about how we must solve the problem of nuclear power if we are to survive.
Ruins of Ancient Bet Shean which Collapsed during Earthquake
Important lessons from the book of Amos!
16x9(God has chosen Jerusalem)
It’s impossible to get discouraged when we are filled with the vision of New Jerusalem.
16x9(What is God doing?)
There is a reason why people on earth today don’t know God, don’t understand Him or why he does things the way he does.
16x9(Times of the Gentiles)
The king of the south has a stranglehold on the Middle East, and the king of the north has a stranglehold on Europe, and God’s people are in the midst of a massive Church crisis.