Literature Library

Books and Booklets | Reprint Articles | Miscellaneous

'We Have Had Our Last Chance'

A Pivotal Sign of the End Time

A Strong German Leader Is Imminent

A Warm Friend of Israel

Ambassador for World Peace

America Under Attack

Australia—Where to Now?

Biblical Manhood

Character in Crisis

Child Rearing With Vision

China's Dangerous Move Against America

Colossians: First-Century Parallels

Conspiracy Against Fatherhood

Daniel Unlocks Revelation

Daniel—Unsealed at Last!

Does God Exist?

Education With Vision

Ezekiel—The End-time Prophet

Ezra and Nehemiah

From the Beginning

Germany and the Holy Roman Empire

Germany's Conquest of the Balkans

Germany's Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran

God Is a Family

God's Family Government

Great Again


Haggai: God Has Begun to Shake the Nations

He Was Right

History and Prophecy of the Middle East

Hosea: Reaping the Whirlwind

How God Values Music

How to Be an Overcomer

How to Pray

Human Nature: What Is It?

Isaiah's End-Time Vision

January 16: God's Miracle Day

Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible

Jerusalem in Prophecy

John's Gospel: The Love of God

Jonah: A Strong Warning to God's Church

Jordan and God's Church in Prophecy


Just What Do You Mean ... Born Again?

Just What Do You Mean ... Conversion?

Lamentations: The Point of No Return

Libya & Ethiopia in Prophecy

Malachi's Message

Micah: God's People Rise Up as His Enemy

Mystery of the Ages

Mystery of the Two Trees

Nahum: An End-Time Prophecy for Germany

No Freedom Without Law

Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’

Obadiah: The Most Terrifying Message in the Bible

Our Awesome Universe Potential

Overcoming Satan

Pagan Holidays--or God's Holy Days--Which?

Prophesy Again: God's Commission to His End-Time Church

Raising the Ruins

Redefining Family

Repentance Toward God

Russia and China in Prophecy

Ruth—Becoming the Bride of Christ

Seals of Isaiah and King Hezekiah Discovered, Exhibit Brochure

Seals of Jeremiah's Captors Discovered

Single-Minded for God

Solve Your Money Troubles!

South Africa in Prophecy

The Administration of the Spirit

The Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong

The Book of Chronicles

The Book of Hebrews

The Epistle of James

The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope

The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem

The Financial Law You Can't Afford to Ignore

The Former Prophets: How to Become a King

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The God Family Vision

The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy

The Incredible Human Potential

The Key of David

The King of the South

The Last Hour

The Lion Has Roared

The Little Book

The Missing Dimension in Sex

The New Throne of David

The Plain Truth About Healing

The Proof of the Bible

The Prophesied 'Prince of Russia'

The Prophet Joel

The Psalms of David and the Psalter of Tara

The Royal Book of Revelation

The Seven Laws of Success

The Song of Songs—God's Greatest Love Song

The Ten Commandments

The True History of God's True Church

The Truth About Christmas

The United States and Britain in Prophecy

The Way of Peace Restored Momentarily

The Wonderful World Tomorrow

This Is the Philadelphia Church of God

What Is Faith?

What Science Can't Discover About the Human Mind

Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath?

Who Is 'That Prophet'?

Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?

Why 'Natural' Disasters

Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete?

Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman

Zechariah-The Sign of Christ's Imminent Return

Zephaniah’s Day of the Lord—It ‘Hastens Greatly’