How thankful are we for the tremendous blessings we have been given in God’s Church?
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What it means to be part of something greater than yourself
What you can learn from a 23-minute flight
Mining the memories of the elderly while you still can
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An astounding act of courage against the Nazis
Woman holding paper with smiley and sad faces in front of her head, studio shot with white background
Shh… This can transform your life!
Wally Funk (R) celebrates. Be Pleasant.
Advice from the oldest woman in space
Biblical vector illustration of David and Goliath
How a teenager took on a tank

Great Sand Dunes National Park
Featuring three guys, an awesome stick and some sand
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Four tips to help you prepare for your royal calling
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The time to grow is now.
Discomfort really keeps you on your toes.
Are you willing to use it?
Topview of a wooden table in an art studio with a collection of paintbrushes in a container and tins and tubes of paint alongside a rag
To be successful at your hobby, you must get out of your comfort zone.
the woman who saved the man who saved the world
By selflessly serving a child, one woman had a profound impact on Western civilization.
Edward Lear Painting Jerusalem
Capture the vision of Earth’s future headquarters!
Living waters-- a guy on a bridge looking at some beautiful water
Turning the thirsty into a water source
Boy on books representing one pure language
Appreciating the blessing of language
Tomorrow's light=family walking into suddenly green grass
Sure as the sunrise
Lonely man on childish pool floaties.
A secret to being truly happy