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The story of how New Zealand men in their 60s, 70s and 80s made firewood into more than just a profit, 14 years in a row.
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Quintessential chamber jazz group plays for hundreds.
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Department shifts focus toward online content.
BCC Mockup 1 Bible Correspondence Course
Herbert W. Armstrong College site allows users to study lessons, take tests online.
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Oklahoma artists team up for foundation concert series.
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Websites are among a mosaic of projects published this week.
Brush fire on campus November 2016
Flames singe unused grassland before being doused by fire crews without further incident.
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PCG members dedicate hours to latest musical production.
(top) Joel Hudson-Stewart, John Wood, Danyon Lamont, (middle) Teah Bullock, (bottom) Lilia Morris, Maryanne Romanos
Brisbane members relax in the great outdoors.
Men from left to right:  Eric Hessong, David Friestad, Eli Davison, Michael Oakleaf, James Macneill, Don King, Gerry Frederick, Mr. John Krueger, Keith Lesser, Thomas Monbrod.  Ladies from left to right:  Evie Hessong, Kelli Oakleaf, Gail Eisele, Vickie King, Cheryl Frederick, Mrs. Dawn Krueger, Teresa Monbrod.
Spokesman Clubs in two states finish off the club season.
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Annual yard sale raises thousands.
Tiesto Vidal stands at bat ready to take a crack at Gabrielle Schlote’s pitch.
Canadians infuse American traditions.
Members race against time in a sisterly cooking challenge.
Long-awaited trip comes after months of prayer and fundraising.
Montreal members get some sun.
Batavia members visit one of the area’s most beautiful parks.
Winston Oakleaf and Nathaniel Morley take on Zandria Oakleaf and Dillon Davis at the three legged race.
Cool temperatures afford ideal weather.
Names clockwise from top left: Rachel Frederick, Shelly Moolchan and Geeta Abdullah Muhammad, Israel Frederick and Levi Ali
Members don bellbottoms, silks and flowery prints.
Scottish tradition brings families together.
Emma Moore, Mikayla Klusenberg and Leah Romanos
Activities include Bible trivia, board games and beach fun.