And other peculiarities about this unusual king of ‘abominations’
It’s often regarded as one of the most overtly pagan of the ‘Christian’ festivals—and is nowhere found in the New Testament. But is there mention of its origins in the Hebrew Bible?
Don’t be so sure you know a situation.
The unusual species that once roamed ancient Israel
Are the days of miracles over? Here’s some pretty strong evidence to the contrary.
Archaeology unearths historical fact—and just happens to prove the biblical record at the same time.
Why you shouldn’t rely on your human heart
Could you explain to someone what you believe?
Are you ready to give it to them?
An archaeological lesson for everyday life
How to show the hope that is in you
How getting their minds off food instills a vision that produces real joy
This article is based on a true story.
The story of the amazing, documented miracles that led the small nation of Israel to victory
How can you remember something that never happened to you?
The unearthing of historical fact proves the biblical record.
How well do you understand what you are fighting for?
Are you faithful in that which is least?
The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.