Are you like the Pharisees, or like Nathanael?
Guard this more than anything else you possess.
Una meditación sobre Proverbios 12:18
A meditation on Proverbs 12:18
A lo largo de la historia, el pueblo de Dios se ha enfrentado a la opresión y la persecución. Las restricciones actuales del gobierno son una oportunidad que Dios nos da para poner en práctica la escritura ¡‘ocupaos en vuestra salvación’!
God’s people throughout history have faced oppression and persecution. The current government restrictions are a God-given opportunity to ‘work out your own salvation’!
When you receive an invitation, remember courtesy.
How Brisbane member Alex Bell discovered real treasure.
PCG member voyaged to a new country, new church and a new meaning to family.
AUSTRALIA—On April 25-27, the Philadelphia Church of God Brisbane congregation held its first …
AUSTRALIA—Sixty-seven members from the Philadelphia Church of God Brisbane congregation shared a family day on March 9 at Top Shots Fun Park, in the costal township of …
Is there anything wrong with having body art carved into your skin?