What future event does Pentecost represent? And what does this festival season and holy day require us to do in order to get ready for this event?
The firstfruits today must be preparing to be Christ’s wife.
Live in this spirit as Christ did, and you will be able to conquer anything!
What might seem small now has huge implications.
Don’t be so sure you know a situation.
Excerpts from a February 1997 Trumpet article, when the PCG first printed Mystery of the Ages
God promises a way of escape. Here’s how to find it!
For us to properly keep the days of Unleavened Bread, it’s necessary that we come to properly understand and observe what the Bible calls the Night to Be Much Observed.
God designed the spring holy days to renew your zeal for righteousness!
Although the Bible explains what an unprofitable servant is, a literal definition of a profitable servant seems to be missing. How can you become a more profitable servant?
To broaden your perspective on the gospel, please read this stellar selection of excerpts from The Incredible Human Potential. They are taken from Chapter 2, “The Startling Revelation of What Was Christ’s Gospel.”
Excerpted from Mystery of the Ages, Chapter 6
The glory of your eternal future depends on how you prepare today!