If we’re going to be leaders for God, we must let Him teach us to look on the heart.
Remembering a profound personal lesson from the PCG’s copyright victory
How God used Shakespeare to prepare Britain to lead the world
God’s people are called to be overcomers. An overcomer is a law keeper. But can we do that in our twisted society?
Here is what can happen if we get close to Satan’s world.
The firstfruits today must be preparing to be Christ’s wife.
How can we be sure that when Christ returns, we will have produced fruit worthy of harvesting to feed the world?
How God has used and will use His power—and what that has to do with Pentecost
Understanding why God ordained marriage and instituted family life reveals the meaning of Pentecost.
The Apostle Peter taught what would be the wonderfully consoling result of repentance and conversion.
Much confusion exists about the baptism with fire. Here is the plain, biblical truth.
Beautiful lessons from the Garden of Eden about the most important institution on earth.
There is a reason why people on earth today don’t know God, don’t understand Him or why he does things the way he does.
Each holy day pictures a step in God’s great master plan. Keeping the feast of Pentecost on the right day is extremely important.
Do you know what Christ meant when He said “Take heed and beware the leaven of the Pharisees?”
How many Christians understand what Paul commands believers to do in 1 Corinthians 5:8?
The Passover is one of the most important occasions of the year, and we need to work hard to view it the way God says we must.
Are you keeping the meaning of Passover distinct from the Days of Unleavened Bread?
We must ask, why does God give the command to remove leaven from our homes?
For us to properly keep the days of Unleavened Bread, it’s necessary that we come to properly understand and observe what the Bible calls the Night to Be Much Observed.