16x9(History and Prophecy of the Holy Spirit)
Milky Way
How God has used and will use His power—and what that has to do with Pentecost
16x9(Pentecost and God family)
Full length of little children and parents holding hands while walking on beach with clear blue sky in background. Horizontal shot.
Understanding why God ordained marriage and instituted family life reveals the meaning of Pentecost.
16x9(Times of refreshing)
The Apostle Peter taught what would be the wonderfully consoling result of repentance and conversion.
16x9(Baptized with fire)
Much confusion exists about the baptism with fire. Here is the plain, biblical truth.
16x9(Genesis and the two trees marriage)
Young wedding couple enjoying romantic moments outside in summer park
Beautiful lessons from the Garden of Eden about the most important institution on earth.
16x9(What is God doing?)
There is a reason why people on earth today don’t know God, don’t understand Him or why he does things the way he does.
16x9(Calculating the Feast of Pentecost)
3d number 50 gold
Each holy day pictures a step in God’s great master plan. Keeping the feast of Pentecost on the right day is extremely important.
16x9(Pharisee praying)
Do you know what Christ meant when He said “Take heed and beware the leaven of the Pharisees?”
Pack of matzah or matza and red kosher wine on a vintage wood background. Jewish Passover holiday composition
How many Christians understand what Paul commands believers to do in 1 Corinthians 5:8?
16x9(Meaning of Passover)
The Passover is one of the most important occasions of the year, and we need to work hard to view it the way God says we must.
16x9(The Passover focus)
A single young lamb in a grass field, looking at the camera.
Are you keeping the meaning of Passover distinct from the Days of Unleavened Bread?
16x9(How to Identify leaven)
We must ask, why does God give the command to remove leaven from our homes?
16x9(Night to Be)
For us to properly keep the days of Unleavened Bread, it’s necessary that we come to properly understand and observe what the Bible calls the Night to Be Much Observed.
16x9(Passover controversy)
As the Passover approaches, let’s hold fast to the precious truth God revealed through Mr. Armstrong.
16x9(Why Jesus came to Earth)
View to Jerusalem old city. Israel
Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis, and we’ll study what God’s Word has to say about why Jesus came to Earth.
16x9 (Christ dwelling in you?)
Portrait of a senior man looking at copy space while thinking
We must approach the Passover season with all seriousness. Our eternal lives are at stake.
16x9(Examine your strengths)
Our strengths can be used to show us our weaknesses.
16x9(The sin of idolatry)
Man carefully polishing his car with polishing gloves
It’s more common than you might think.
16x9(Times of the Gentiles)
The king of the south has a stranglehold on the Middle East, and the king of the north has a stranglehold on Europe, and God’s people are in the midst of a massive Church crisis.
16x9(The Truth About Easter)
Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis for answers regarding Easter.