Get ready to rule like Moses.
God had to teach His prophet, and us, a profound lesson, which carries phenomenal rewards.
Know the Moses few know
Lampstand and shewbread
The most sacred place on Earth gives insight into the priestly privileges God is giving His saints today.
Floating axe
As part of God’s greatest miracle ourselves, we ought to expect more miracles in our lives
James I of England
No other book preserved within Western civilization has been so minutely scrutinized and ripped apart by modern minds.
The official seal of a Judean king holds a moving message for God’s people and for the whole world.
Man with bead and long hair stands outside. He wears historic clothes and could be a vking or a knigth. He holds a metal helmet under one of his arms. In his right hand he holds a sword.
Studying the works of David’s mighty men can aid our growth.
The active galaxy NGC 1275 lies at the center of the cluster of galaxies known as the Perseus Cluster. By combining multi-wavelength images into a single composite, the dynamics of the galaxy are more easily visible. In this composite image, X-rays from Chandra are shown in violet and reveal the presence of a black hole at the center of NGC 1275. Optical data from Hubble is depicted in red, green, and blue, and radio emission in pink traces the jets generated from the central black hole.
Get the vision ‘from the beginning.’
Meditating on the aspects of the law discussed in this Psalm shows us how to never allow Satan to rule us. How well versed are you in that law? How much do you love it?
This common tree has a lot to teach us about our eternal future.
man climbing on mountain in the morning.
God is preparing an incredible future position for you.
Man wearing protective workwear and cutting tree by using chainsaw in forest.
The wisdom of Proverbs 18:17
Hiker in black on the rocky peak. Wonderful daybreak in mountains, heavy orange mist in deep valley. Man sit on the rock and watch over the fog .
If we’re going to be leaders for God, we must let Him teach us to look on the heart.
Remembering a profound personal lesson from the PCG’s copyright victory
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How God used Shakespeare to prepare Britain to lead the world
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God’s people are called to be overcomers. An overcomer is a law keeper. But can we do that in our twisted society?
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Here is what can happen if we get close to Satan’s world.
Bride walking down the aisle
The firstfruits today must be preparing to be Christ’s wife.
picking red apple from a tree in summer
How can we be sure that when Christ returns, we will have produced fruit worthy of harvesting to feed the world?