16x9(You are saved by grace)
Page in the Bible showing part of the Ten Commandments
No one can ever be saved by obeying the law—any law.
16x9(Sin is)
woman reading the bible in the darkness over wooden table
To enjoy the blessings God wants to give us, we must 
deeply understand the way of life to avoid. 
Floating axe
As part of God’s greatest miracle ourselves, we ought to expect more miracles in our lives
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Sunrise Over Planet Earth
There is a simple pattern that proves to us that God really has allotted a specific time to man.
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After God brought the children of Israel out of the bondage of sin, He promised that they would be a holy nation. Today the Church of God is that holy nation of called-out ones. Here are steps you can take to attain holiness.
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How do we attain the awesome royal positions God has awaiting us?
Learn the truth about angels and evil spirits. Both have a profound impact on your life.
The New Year's festival is actually a tradition rooted in paganism.
If there is something to change in our lives, then make the change—why wait?
Winston Churchill once said that the history of man is the history of war. Wars are killing tens of thousands of people around the world every year. Yet, the most important war of all goes unseen. Discover how spiritual armies are fighting for control of human minds.
Sad for Christmas
Billions worldwide just celebrated another Christmas Day. But what does God think about this observance?
Little boy in santa hat with christmas tree and lights on background, dreaming
Does celebrating Christmas truly make you merry?
Most believe that Jesus Christ was born on December 25. What does the Bible say about the timing of Christ’s birth?
Christmas decorations
Are the pagan origins of Christmas just another Christmas miracle?
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Have you ever wondered why people go through the effort of bringing evergreen trees into their homes, decorating them with ornaments year after year?
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Let us obtain the true facts about Christmas.
16x9(Abraham tried by fire)
Abraham got up early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before the Lord. He looked out toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the land of that region. As he did so, he saw the smoke rising up from the land like smoke from a furnace. (Genesis, Chapter 19, 27-28). Woodcut after a drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872) from the "Große Haus-Bilder-Bibel (Large House Pictures Bible)" by Dr. Martin Luther. Published by J. Ebner, Ulm (1877)
The Apostle James encourages us to rejoice in our trials. Abram’s life shows us how.
16x9(Stepping stones)
Christ in us will turn every stumbling block, every trial, every crisis and every test into stepping-stones to the Kingdom of God.
16x9(The sin of idolatry)
Man carefully polishing his car with polishing gloves
It’s more common than you might think.
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How God used Shakespeare to prepare Britain to lead the world
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God’s people are called to be overcomers. An overcomer is a law keeper. But can we do that in our twisted society?