Doctor studying an MRI scan of the Brain
Why science cannot find the answer
The Queen of Sheba before the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem
We must be a praying people—a temple of prayer.
Rock climbing in a dramatic setting
It takes courage to warn the world!
Wide view from inside a huge cave with a man going out.
We must always keep the right perspective in the midst of our trials.
Millions who claim to believe in God would be shocked if they knew the actual SOURCE of their belief and practice.
Praying Hands Man & Bible
People pray. A lot. But how many know what prayer is?
Butterfly Nebula taken by Hubble
As powerful as the Holy Spirit is, it never forces, impels, commands or controls us.
The Imperial State Crown
We can clearly see that the highest royalty in God’s Kingdom revolves around the throne of David.
15x9(Saving faith)
Fake Dictionary, definition of the word Faith.
Just what is ‘saving faith,’ and how do we obtain it?
Solomon showing temple to Queen of Sheba
How well do you present God?
Rock climbing
Here’s how you can overcome and qualify as a ‘firstfruit’ for God’s Kingdom!
How much have you thought about why God commands intercessory prayer?
Pharaoh suspicious
Satan the devil obeys God. What about you?
The "Garden Tomb". This tomb was first proposed in the 19th century as the site of Jesus' burial.
An amazing event stirred the early Christians to proclaim the message about the Kingdom of God.
Portrait of mature man
David trained his heart like a great general trains a soldier.
16x9(Deepen relationship)
Old fashioned vintage book on wooden background
The true, living Jesus Christ wants to have a relationship with you!
adult helping senior in hospital
How dependable are you when someone beside you falls? That’s when the quality of your friendship is really tested.
Mr Armstrong at ground-breaking ceremony
True religion shows that God works through one man at a time.
Guests at Wedding Reception
Here is how to develop the habit of appreciation.
Folding Hands over a Bible
Prayer does work and God does listen.