16x9(Prayers of repentance)
A silhouette of a young Christian woman is bowing her head in prayer, and desperation outside during sunset.
A special gift in Scripture that will change your life
16x9(Self righteous Job)
How could a man so right have been so wrong?
16x9(David and God)
Israel’s greatest king had a marvelous relationship with God that serves as an example to all of us. To David, God truly was alive!
16x9 (Jesus and Old Testament)
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Many Christians believe the Old Testament is not an integral part of the Holy Scriptures.
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A short meditation on Psalm 25:12-14
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The significance of saying ‘Amen!’
lonely man on beach in silhouette at sunset (XL)
How to prepare for the upcoming spring festivals
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The two most important keys to keeping the fire of the Holy Spirit alive are prayer and Bible study. Are you neglecting them?
Cedar trees, part of an old growth forest several kilometers uphill from Bcharre, Lebanon
We will only grow as tall as we are rooted deep!
gouge wood chisel carpenter tool hammer in hand working wooden background
The man depicted in Western art is nothing like the one described in the Bible.
Anxious young woman rests her head on he hands in a stresfull moment. Very shallow DoF - focus is on hereyes and forehead.
‘Our primary focus in life must be on how we talk to God in prayer!’
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A time of peace is coming.
16x9 (The Secret to a Better Relationship With God)
Male on the sunrise in mountain
Using this tool God gives us will yield rewards greater than we can imagine.
16x9(The 30-Plus Program)
praying intently / the man communes with his God / desperate for his love
A basic prayer outline to help you with your most important relationship in life
16x5(Why Pray)
Closeup of a thoughtful smart business executive with colleagues in the background
If God knows all of our thoughts, why pray?
Cropped image of beautiful business team holding hands and praying while sitting in office
Grateful prayers can go a long way!
A photograph of a little boy being disciplined.  An angry child stares back in anger and defiance as he is being disciplined.  The finger of an adult is pointing directly at him.
Receiving godly correction in the right attitude is one of a true Christian’s most important responsibilities
Old books on a shelf
Samuel made sure everyone understood that the school he founded wasn’t just another college: It was God’s college!
Dreamy sunset on a gold wheat field with tracks leading to the sun, focus on the foreground plants
If we are to prepare ourselves for our future vocation, we had better understand what that vocation is.
Holding an open book with dust coming out.
How do you know you have God’s truth? How do you know you are in God’s true Church?