A closer look at the detail in God’s law forbidding idolatry
The battle for your mind is real. Is Satan winning?
In an upside-down world, men have given up their God-given role. Here’s how to set things straight in your own life.
Like so many other valuable resources in society, time has been abused and wasted. How valuable is your time? Are you using it effectively?
Are we making the same mistakes as Lucifer did?
A practical example of how to recognize and avoid ‘Satan’s devices’
Why feminism and popular culture have our boys searching for an identity
Most people are confused about how God speaks to us today. This means that most people are not listening to God in these latter days.
Even after you quit it, sin can still have a hold on you.
Receiving godly correction in the right attitude is one of a true Christian’s most important responsibilities
The inspiring vision behind developing a Godly work ethic
Healthful living is sustained through food, water and oxygen. No, actually it is sustained through HEALTHY food, PURE water and CLEAN air.
One way to prepare yourself to embrace life’s challenges
Does your mind wander off when you pray? At services are you easily distracted when a baby cries or is taken to the mothers’ room? Is it possible you could even be distracted from the most important priority in your life?
It could be our greatest weakness! Do we have it?
It seems that, each year, a new child-rearing book becomes popular in America.
Coming out of this sin-filled, evil world is not easy. Staying out is even harder. How motivated are you to do what it takes never to return to the captivity of sin?
Examine yourself for this pernicious form of hypocrisy.
We must shape the human spirit in our children so God can work with them as adults.
Is it wrong to get sick? Have actual laws been broken? Understanding the answers is vital to a rewarding, spiritually enriching life!