Although his life seemed invaluable to God’s Work, the Work didn’t stop upon his death.
Here are some keys to improving your diet by replacing those refined sugars with some sweet alternatives.
The meaning behind the name is a witness to this world!
Our rising divorce rate is a good indicator of the growing unhappiness in people’s lives.
For God’s people, the most critical work of the day occurs before we leave for work.
What is the number one focal point of Satan’s hatred? How does he attack and why must we be so aware of this deception? How do we defend ourselves against it? We must “get it,” or the dragon’s deadly assault will defeat us!
How do you express to a person that you really care when death has taken away someone he or she loves?
Real, abundant happiness comes not from what you have, but from doing what is right.
How well do you know your enemy?
Grateful prayers can go a long way!
What does it take to make a family happy and harmonious? Here’s a quality you may have overlooked—but it may be the most beautiful of all.
A closer look at the detail in God’s law forbidding idolatry
The battle for your mind is real. Is Satan winning?
In an upside-down world, men have given up their God-given role. Here’s how to set things straight in your own life.
Like so many other valuable resources in society, time has been abused and wasted. How valuable is your time? Are you using it effectively?
Are we making the same mistakes as Lucifer did?
A practical example of how to recognize and avoid ‘Satan’s devices’
Why feminism and popular culture have our boys searching for an identity
Most people are confused about how God speaks to us today. This means that most people are not listening to God in these latter days.
Even after you quit it, sin can still have a hold on you.