Timothy Oostendarp
250303-TO-you Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me
Are idols holding you back from deeper intimacy with God?
Water Holy Spirit
The nature of God confuses many, but you can understand the truth about the Holy Spirit.
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The battle for your mind is real. Is Satan winning?
Filing Cabinets Mess
How organized are you?
16x9(Railroad spike)
The Passover teaches that unless we mourn the death of Christ, we will not go on to build a relationship with God.
Canadian soldiers returning from Vimy Ridge
Though it is against an invisible enemy, Christians fight a battle to the death! Read this article of instruction and inspiration on how to conquer in spiritual warfare!
16x9(Remember young people)
Portrait of a teenage boy sitting and smiling in front of his friends
Godly principles to building lasting relationships with young people
16x9 (Give the Gift of words)
Close up of a blonde student calling in a park with people in background
There are few things in life that can touch a human being more than heartfelt words spoken from a well of wisdom.
(Philadelphia Church of God)
CANADA—Over the summer, the Philadelphia Church of God’s Canadian regional office added …
Business workshop and presentation. Audience at the conference room.
To be a true Christian, there is no escaping the fact that we have to struggle and change.