What running the OKC Memorial Marathon taught me about our spiritual race
A prideful, prejudiced look at the land of tea, cricket and Robin Hood
Oratorio by Ryan Malone puts “Song of Solomon” to music
A behind-the-scenes glimpse at a special Herbert W. Armstrong work-study project
Video shows headquarters building’s progress from November through April.
A look at the staff and volunteers who work to send out free literature from the Philadelphia Church of God
Family-building activity included children from 2 to 12
Fourteen sophomores cap off Shakespearean Literature class with barbecue and comedy Much Ado About Nothing
A look back at KBAC and a look forward with KPCG
Students learn on professional software.
Students at new Edstone campus replicate annual college graduation celebration.
Graduates and families dine like royalty.
Music appreciation program combines two Herbert W. Armstrong College courses.
144 teenagers come to Edmond, Oklahoma, each year for summer camp.
Marketing director, head usher gain insight and promote auditorium
New radio program includes discussions, interviews, questions and answers, and human-interest pieces.