16x9(A Son's Love)
Denver Broncos wide receiver Demaryius Thomas had every reason to shun his mother for life, but he didn’t.
16x9(Should Teens Examine Themselves?)
A teen’s role in the spring holy day season
16x9(Lessons from a Doc)
A shining red trumpet with brass details. Trumpet is lying on wooden table with bell toward viewer. Close up of bell with shallow focus.
If we doubt God’s incredible power, we can miss out on life-changing opportunities.
16x9(Enriching friendships)
Rearview of teen girl friends looking at the sunset together on a golden summer evening
From acquaintances to best buds, the Bible gives invaluable advice on relationships.
16x9(A God-give opportunity)
Group Of School Children Singing In Choir Together
Get your mind off yourself.
16x9(Are you ready for refugees?)
Prepare to teach tomorrow’s world—today.
16x9(An Uncommon hero)
An enduring tale of courage and selflessness
16x9(How about a date?)
Group dating, if done properly, can be an enriching part of teen life.
16x9(A Lesson on Serving)
Teen girl washing dishes at kitchen sink
“It wasn’t until this ministerial conference that I realized the type of work our parents do.”
Two feet.
Which direction will it take you?
16x9(Take your Thyme)
Cropped image of a woman preparing dinner at home
Hard work is delicious.
16x9(The Importance of Context)
An archaeological lesson for everyday life
16x9(Twelve stones)
Do you have one miracle that you can pull out of your memory?
16x9(Live in the Work)
How much is your heart—the core of your being—really in God’s Work?
16x9(Sweet Sight of Service)
“Such an unexpected turn of events nearly brought a tear to my eye.”
16x9(Forfeiting Olympic gold)
Sailor Lawrence Lemieux had a life-and-death choice to make at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. He made the right choice. Would you?
16x9(Making right decisions)
Using the power of choice
16x9(A Real Life pop Quiz)
Teacher helping a high school student with a task in bright classroom.
Answering “What is the Philadelphia Church of God?”
16x9( Try, Try Again)
So, you failed. Now what?
16x9(The Flying Scotsman)
An Olympic-sized lesson