Showing 641 through 660 of 1770 results for "armstrong auditorium"
Father and son
The God Family vision revolves around God the Father.
Mother duck with ducklings
Are we steadfast when it comes to following our spiritual mother?
The invisible forces governing interpersonal harmony
Never outgrow a childlike curiosity.
The attitude you need to get back up when you fall
A Look Into The Sky
Educate your faith.
Hour glass
These signs reveal that Christ’s return is near!
Caregiver serving a cup of coffee to 90 year old senior woman.
Wherever we live, our daily example can negatively or positively contribute or detract from the impact of God’s prophesy again commission.
16x9(Dinner with the Chancellor) Students of Herbert W. Armstrong College share a formal dinner with college Chancellor Gerald Flurry.
The importance of God-Family education
young mechanic fixing some gears on a bike
¿Estás pasando por alto alguna parte del Cuarto Mandamiento?
The Imperial Academy Class of 2022 Graduates Commencement
Sunrise over fields
God’s Kingdom will be real and practical—it’s more than a feeling.
Learn the truth about angels and evil spirits. Both have a profound impact on your life.
Bright gold ring on hand
The beautiful reward for embracing God-given trial
Regional Director Fred Dattolo takes bids during the live auction.
Fun-filled day proves profitable
Woman holding paper with smiley and sad faces in front of her head, studio shot with white background
Shh… ¡Esto puede transformar tu vida!
Two representative stone tablets with the ten commandments inscribed on them on an isolated dark ethereal background
Here’s the one phobia you really need.
Hand of a person casting a ballot at a polling station during voting.
Six thousand years of human history condemn the tradition of voting.
father and teenage son enjoying each others company in the garden
Who are your heroes?
Forty-five members from the Central Arkansas congregation of the Philadelphia Church of God congratulated new Herbert W. Armstrong College freshman Jesse Zoellner with a sendoff cake and gift on August 8. Zoellner is the first from the congregation to attend AC.
Central Arkansas congregation congratulates their first AC student