Revelation 13 beast, 16 by 9 ratio
Have you heard of the prophetic “beast”? Do you know what it is and if it is real?
16x9(Days of repentance)
The key to a spiritually enriching feast of Unleavened Bread
Cinematic crescent Earth viewing from space at daytime.
Jesus knew that if He committed just one sin, there would have been no God Family.
16x9(Meaning of Passover)
The Passover is one of the most important occasions of the year, and we need to work hard to view it the way God says we must.
Young lady studying the Word of God
16x9(Night to Be)
For us to properly keep the days of Unleavened Bread, it’s necessary that we come to properly understand and observe what the Bible calls the Night to Be Much Observed.
16x9(The Passover focus)
A single young lamb in a grass field, looking at the camera.
Are you keeping the meaning of Passover distinct from the Days of Unleavened Bread?
16x9(More than sorrow of the world)
The traditional customs surrounding lent have an ancient origin, but also carry a deep lesson concerning repentance. Should Christians observe them?
Passover, Blood on the Door post.
Did Christ keep the right day? Some claim He did not. What does the Bible say?
16x9(Examine your strengths)
Our strengths can be used to show us our weaknesses.
Two Roman soldiers holding spears in vestibule.
Without Christ’s life, death and resurrection, humanity wouldn’t have a future.
16x9(Times of refreshing)
The Apostle Peter taught what would be the wonderfully consoling result of repentance and conversion.
girl is playing harp in darknes
God’s inspiring plan to export a way of thinking and living that Satan has suppressed for so long
Studio shot of a happy little girl standing against a blue backgroundhttp://
Why should we become like little children?
16x9(Book of Joshua)
The biblical books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings were originally just three books: Joshua-Judges, Samuel and Kings. Together they make up what are called the former prophets.
Happy middle aged man reclining by poolside
Surely there be few indeed who would not desire to be more happy, to be truly more joyful.
16x9(God's Government)
How was God’s government administered in the New Testament? Some say it was different from what is revealed in the Old Testament. Is there a difference?
aurora borealis on iceland, human silhouette in foreground, some ISO-noise
Character building is a 24-hour, 7-day-per-week responsibility we all have.
Dramatic sky over Jerusalem, view from the Olive Mountain, taken shortly before a thunderstorm
The Jewish State of Israel is in extreme danger. The Middle East is undergoing radical changes, and the risk of violence engulfing the Jews is growing with each passing month!
Sand dunes on Libyan Desert. The Sahara Desert is the world's largest hot desert.
Great leaders like Winston Churchill and Douglas MacArthur have made statements about how we must solve the problem of nuclear power if we are to survive.