Apple on branch
Of the nine ‘beatitudes’ Jesus listed in what is commonly referred to as His Sermon on the Mount, the third is meekness.
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Even normal parents cannot forget their own flesh and blood.
Previously unseen details of a mysterious, complex structure within the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) are revealed by this image of the "Keyhole Nebula," obtained with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. The picture is a montage assembled from four different April 1999 telescope pointings with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, which used six different color filters. The picture is dominated by a large, approximately circular feature, which is part of the Keyhole Nebula, named in the 19th century by Sir John Herschel. This region, about 8000 light-years from Earth, is located adjacent to the famous explosive variable star Eta Carinae, which lies just outside the field of view toward the upper right. The high resolution of the Hubble images reveals the relative three- dimensional locations of many of these features, as well as showing numerous small dark globules that may be in the process of collapsing to form new stars. Two striking large, sharp-edged dust clouds are located near the bottom center and upper left edges of the image. The former is immersed within the ring and the latter is just outside the ring. The pronounced pillars and knobs of the upper left cloud appear to point toward a luminous, massive star located just outside the field further toward the upper left, which may be responsible for illuminating and sculpting them by means of its high-energy radiation and stellar wind of high-velocity ejected material. These large dark clouds may eventually evaporate, or if there are sufficiently dense condensations within them, give birth to small star clusters. The Carina Nebula, with an overall diameter of more than 200 light- years, is one of the outstanding features of the Southern Hemisphere portion of the Milky Way. The diameter of the Keyhole ring structure shown here is about 7 light-years. These data were collected by the Hubble Heritage Team and Nolan R. Walborn (STScI), Rodolfo H. Barba' (La Plata Observatory, Argentina), and Adeline Caulet (France
Meditate on the history of God before creation.
Go to your brother
God instructs us to avoid offense, and avoid being offended. Nevertheless, when offenses do arise, God tells us how to resolve them.
"The Israelites were living in captivity in Egypt. They were persecuted and abused. Pharaoh ordered that all Hebrew newborn boys be killed. Moses was born during this time. His mother hid him in a basket and Pharaohaas daughter found him and raised him in the palace. God spoke to Moses through a burning bush and instructed him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to Canaan, the aPromised It took a long time to get Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to leave. Before leaving, the first Passover was observed. God told Moses that He would pass through Egypt and that every Egyptian boy would die. All Israelites were to place the blood of a lamb on the door so their houses would be passed over and the boys would live. After that Pharaoh allowed them to go. Moses was the leader on the journey and along the way he performed miracles like parting the Red Sea, turning his staff to a serpent, and turning the river water to blood. He was given the Ten Commandments. The Israelites were guided by God in the form of a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The journey was long, filled with good days, trials, and grumbling. Eventually, after 40 years in the wilderness, they made it. Moses saw the promised land and then died. He never actually made it there.  The Bible Art Library is a collection of commissioned biblical paintings. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, under a work-for-hire contract, artist Jim Padgett created illustrations for 208 Bible stories encompassing the entire Bible from Genesis through Revelation. There are over 2200 high-quality, colorful, and authentic illustrations. The illustrations are high quality, biblically and culturally accurate, supporting the reality of the stories and bringing them to life. They can be used to enhance communication of Bible stories in printed, video, digital, and/or audio forms."
It all started with the first Passover.
crossing the river
How to rely on God when it matters most.
summer in the country: two apple trees in the meadow on a bright sunny day. blue sky and white clouds in the back.
Satan’s grand strategy. Do you know what it is? Are you falling for it?
16x9(The Goal of our work)
We are getting ready to help Christ rule this world and the universe!
Horatio Nelson
How well-developed is our sense of duty to God, to His will, purpose and plans—His vital Work on Earth today? 
PCOG Campus. Tilt Shift
The God-inspired educational system we are part of today had an extraordinary beginning. That beginning holds the key to true education.
Nidaros Cathedral is Norway's national sanctuary, and was built over the grave of St. Olav, Norway's patron saint. Construction started in 1070, but the oldest parts still in existence are from the middle of the twelfth century. The cathedral is built in Gothic style, but the oldest parts around the transept reflect the Roman style. From around 1050 until the Reformation this cathedral was an important destination for pilgrims.
The Bible describes a mark, which will be key to a man’s physical existence in the near future as it has been in the past. But it also speaks of another, contrasting mark that is essential for our spiritual survival. How well do you understand the impact of these marks on you, personally? You need to know. It is a matter of life and death!
Bride walking down the aisle
The firstfruits today must be preparing to be Christ’s wife.
Little girl eating an apple. She is outdoors and looking at the camera, with apple juice on her face.
The feast of Pentecost celebrates the Church of God!
Unrecognizable woman holding a bible in her hands and praying
One of the main doctrines most churches have in common today is the trinity.
16x9(The Book of Ruth)
The day of Pentecost commemorates God’s people receiving God’s law and His Holy Spirit. But there is also an exciting prophecy about this day: It pictures the Church marrying Jesus Christ.
Woman silhouette in wheat field, focus on plants
How to know, without a doubt, that you are one of God’s called, chosen and faithful
Space Background
Herbert W. Armstrong considered God’s government one of the most important subjects for us to study and know deeply.
16x9(Elijah's Prayer) Herbert W. Armstrong
The book of James concludes with an electrifying prophecy. God has at last revealed its true meaning.
Evil Kyle
When and how did pharaoh get a hardened heart? Study these lessons from the king of stubbornness to avoid falling prey to pharaoh’s curse.