16x9(Our Advocate)
When you sin, and perhaps get depressed over it, Christ is at God’s throne as your Advocate!
the hand reaches for help
How much compassion we have affects the Work of God.
White Triquetra symbol on green abstract background
The traditional teaching of Christianity is that God is a trinity. Did you know that this doctrine isn’t found anywhere in the Bible?
16x9(Become you perfect)
Teenager walking in sport shoes on pavement in autumn day
The Days of Unleavened Bread point us to the high goal we strive for in our approach to God’s law.
Leavened and unleavened bread
The life-changing impact of God’s Feast of Unleavened Bread
16x9(Pharisee praying)
Do you know what Christ meant when He said “Take heed and beware the leaven of the Pharisees?”
16x9(Night to Be)
For us to properly keep the days of Unleavened Bread, it’s necessary that we come to properly understand and observe what the Bible calls the Night to Be Much Observed.
16x9(Meaning of Passover)
The Passover is one of the most important occasions of the year, and we need to work hard to view it the way God says we must.
16x9(The Passover focus)
A single young lamb in a grass field, looking at the camera.
Are you keeping the meaning of Passover distinct from the Days of Unleavened Bread?
Man holding a pencil, looking up and thinking. Stylized silhouette isolated on blue background.
We will all reap what we sow—yet it all begins with a single thought.
16x9(The Purpose of Priesthood)
The priesthood that God established in ancient Israel typified some exquisitely beautiful and profound truths for New Testament Christians.
Psalm 137 paints a terrifying prophetic picture of a tragedy about to befall a great many of God’s people.
Isaiah Bulla
The Old Testament record shows that King Hezekiah was a contemporary of Isaiah the prophet. The Biblical books of Kings, Chronicles, and Isaiah show that this prophet played a central role in Hezekiah’s remarkable reign over Judah.
16x9(Chris Eames-Jerusalem)
The unearthing of historical fact proves the biblical record.
Recent archaeological discoveries in the holy city dramatically verify the truth of the Bible. No city on Earth brings history and prophecy to life like Jerusalem.
Armstrong Plane.jpg
Emperor asks brother Prince Mikasa for private audience with international ambassador for world peace.
(16x9) (HWA Jerusalem) Herbert W. Armstrong
16x9(Herbert Armstrong meets Navon)
Dramatic sky over Jerusalem, view from the Olive Mountain, taken shortly before a thunderstorm
The Jewish State of Israel is in extreme danger. The Middle East is undergoing radical changes, and the risk of violence engulfing the Jews is growing with each passing month!
Jerusalem city view
A firsthand account of the conflict in Jerusalem