One of the main doctrines most churches have in common today is the trinity.
Government is everything.
What is the nature and character of God? Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis in order to see how the Bible answers that question.
God is not just one Person, nor is he limited to a “trinity,” but God is a family!
The trinity is a teaching so widely accepted today even though it was a teaching that began in the latter half of the second century, over a hundred years after most of the New Testament was written.
How much water can you cup in your hands? God measured Earth’s oceans in the palm of His hand!
Some think it is a feeling in your heart. Others assume it is the Church.
Some confuse it with the Millennium. Just what is God’s Kingdom?
This is a fundamental question of supreme importance, and it warrants serious attention and thought.
The story of a massive dose of aversion therapy, and a 6,000-year experiment of epic proportions
God is love—that is the deepest subject in the Bible.
The word “love” is perhaps the most misused and misunderstood word in the English language today.
Perhaps no word in the English language is used more often than the word love. Yet no word is more misunderstood. What is love—the kind of love God wants you to have? Man has his definition, but what does God say?
Government is everything.
A close look at God’s government shows how foolish mankind has been for rejecting God’s rule.
There is a simple pattern that proves to us that God really has allotted a specific time to man.