Though many understand what the Bible says about tithing, few follow all of God’s tithing principles. How about you?
Just what is ‘saving faith,’ and how do we obtain it?
If we are to prepare ourselves for our future vocation, we had better understand what that vocation is.
Life is sustained through food, water and oxygen.
When times get tough, your response makes all the difference.
Are you teaching your children what holy means?
A condemning prophecy in Amos 6, directed at God’s people in the end time who are leading a materialistic lifestyle, shows that music is one of the major factors bringing down Israel.
Are you held in the grip of financial woes? Do bills dictate your life? Do you worry about money? If so, be sure to read on!
Most of us lack this key ingredient of true, mature character. Here is the proven formula to both acquire and exercise it!
True religion shows that God works through one man at a time.
The man depicted in Western art is nothing like the one described in the Bible.
Apple founder Steve Jobs changed the world of technology. One of his most important leadership qualities was his ability to focus. Here is how it can help you.
Do you know how to manage your finances responsibly? Here is a biblical approach to balanced financial management.
Respect uplifts both the giver and receiver and is the spirit underlying the Ten Commandments.
When we nobly fight against the odds and refuse to quit, Christ says it’s romantic and truly awe-inspiring to Him personally!
Five practical ways to strengthen a mental muscle that is critical to your salvation.
The Christian life is the abundant life—filled with rich, spiritual growth!
Learning lessons from great leaders of the past is critical to national well-being.
Why science cannot find the answer
Parents, if you stay involved with your children, public school can be an opportunity.