Joseph's brothers look down at Joseph in the pit.
Joseph was totally unprepared for the brutal plot his brothers hatched against him.
16x9(God Doesn't Build Prisons)
A survey of the wisdom and simplicity of God’s system of punishments for ancient Israel
16x9(How to Keep the Fire)
To keep God’s Holy Spirit alive and active, you must work at it.
Worried man.
A lesson from an uptight man of God
Burning match stick
The plain truth about the often-overlooked Tenth Commandment
Joseph's brothers faces
Joseph’s life is intensely inspiring. He is a type of Jesus Christ. The Bible gives us many details concerning Joseph’s betrayal, afflictions and trials. Through his many hardships, he was prepared to save his people. The history of Joseph’s life carries great lessons for us. Looking into his life, certainly we can see aspects of our own.
Open bible drawing
What must we forsake to be saved from eternal death and be granted eternal life?
Joseph and Pharaoh
No story in the Bible is more inspiring than that of Joseph. This Hebrew teen’s destiny would take him on a journey of perils, thrills and unparalleled success. In his lifetime he would save two nations. His history is a truly incredible one. Why? Joseph is the father of the United States and Britain. His story is the beginning of our own!
Gathering manna
Man is reading the holy bible.
How can you better understand the world’s all-time bestseller, the Holy Bible?
Woodcut for "Die Bibel in Bildern", 1860
David looked directly into the eyes of his son. He could see both the hope and glory of Israel.
Absalom caught in a tree
Mahanaim was the fortress David needed to rest, repair and prepare to meet Absalom.
Zadok thinks over his life.
In the stillness, Zadok remembered his younger, military days.
Man driving horse and chariot
Day after day Absalom worked the crowds at the city gates. Unfortunately, many men in Israel fell under the influence of his deceit.
Picture of Carnival Gras; are Carnival and Mardi Gras really Christian festivals?tion.
Holy Nation.jpg
After God brought the children of Israel out of the bondage of sin, He promised that they would be a holy nation. Today the Church of God is that holy nation of called-out ones. Here are steps you can take to attain holiness.
David and Bathsheba with Solomon
Nathan ached with compassion for David. Yet, God sent him with a tough message for the sin-laden king.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs delivers the keynote address at the 2011 Apple World Wide Developers Conference.
Why did Tim Cook and his executives say “incredible” so often at WWDC?
New green sprout
We must learn this core lesson of the spring holy days.
Real trouble was soon to cross David’s doorstep.