There is a gavel on the black table.
A look at God’s laws on judging and law enforcement
Ark of the Covenant illustration
As the tribal leaders anointed David king of all Israel, a new and better dynasty rose to power over Israel.
Reading the Bible
With the Church’s heavy emphasis on prophecy in the end time, are we missing out on vital instruction for personal growth and character development?
Ishbosheth and David battle
David moved quickly to his new estate. He needed sleep. Judah was with him. Israel needed him.
suns rays falling on earth
Is the belief in a devil an attempt by superstitious men to explain the presence of evil in this world?
David Kneeling
David, his men, their wives and their children wondered—when would all the pressure end?
the 10 commandments, the tablets, tablets, stone, monument, faith, commandment, the Jews, Moses, the ten words, obedience, encouragement, God, the commandments of God.
Did Christ come to do away with the law?
Job in his trials
A valuable lesson in the book of Job that we all need to consider
royal crown
Each year God gives us the Feast of Tabernacles to sharpen our vision of what life will be like after Jesus Christ returns to Earth.
People enjoying a conversation at the Feast of Tabernacles
Are you ready to rejoice? That’s what God commands us to do when we convene to keep His Feast of Tabernacles.
Jewish man blowing the Shofar against blue sky
The day of Trumpets pictures the most exciting change in world leadership to happen in history!
Red Sea splitting apart
Lessons from the Israelites
Hammer and nails black and white
Mainstream Christianity teaches the law was nailed to the cross. Is that true?
Judas Maccabeus Pursues Timotheus
Although forced to remain on the move continually, David and his band of men grew stronger militarily.
Successful businessman standing near the entrance of labyrinth
To keep a spiritual law, man needs a spiritual power!
Apple on branch
Of the nine ‘beatitudes’ Jesus listed in what is commonly referred to as His Sermon on the Mount, the third is meekness.
Father and daughter sitting on hay in a field
The second of two articles studying how God’s laws point to the incredible spiritual reality of the God Family.
Jonathan comforts David
The nation turned its heart to their disenfranchised king.
Illustration Ruth looking towards a town
When the Moabitess Ruth married Boaz, she needed a role model—an example of a true Israelite woman to follow. She was pointed in the direction of two in the most unique way.
Unrecognizable woman holding a bible in her hands and praying
One of the main doctrines most churches have in common today is the trinity.