Artist mid adult woman looking herself on mirror. Dusts and dirts on the mirror...
The Feast is a time to express love and joy.
16x9(Step Forward at the Feast)
Let’s look at four ways that we can STEP forward at the Feast and experience the best Feast ever!
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Why do you go to the Feast of Tabernacles? This may seem like a silly question. But it does deserve some thought.
16x9(Two goats)
The annual religious festivals that God commands true Christians to observe are clearly discussed in Leviticus 23.
God had to teach His prophet, and us, a profound lesson, which carries phenomenal rewards.
16x9 Tree
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Don’t miss out on the meaning of this momentous holy day!
Hannah teaches Samuel
This world’s women don’t think the way Hannah did!
lonely musical instrument which is a trumpet on a black background
We must take on the same attitude toward sin that God has!
Shofar for Rosh Hashanah, selective focus
Believe it or not, the soon-coming fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is going to greatly impact your life. Feast of Trumpets? What is that?
Hands of man playing the trumpet in the orchestra in dark colors
God’s Feast days are fast approaching.
Human hand cupped to catch the fresh water from the lake, sunlight from sunrise passing through the transparence of the water.
John 4 records some important events that contain a mind-stretching lesson.
the hand reaches for help
How much compassion we have affects the Work of God.
David in the field
To choose a new king for Israel God looked into the man’s heart–not his outward appearance.
Nehemiah Goes to the king
No one today may be able to match Nehemiah’s zeal.
16x9 (The Fraud of Evolution)
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How science cheats at proving its pet theory
16x9 (Frustration Reading Bible)
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One cannot unlock the mystery in Bible prophecy without this indispensable key.
Lazarus at the rich man's house. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker.
We are to take the whole Bible, not the New Testament only.
16x9(Characteristics of a savior)
Opening blue door in a dark room with shining light and sky outside
The innate characteristics of Jesus Christ’s nature and office are a revelation in themselves of His qualifications to be the Savior of mankind.
Happy family in the park evening light. The lights of a sun. Mom, dad and baby happy walk at sunset. The concept of a happy family.Parents hold the baby's hands.
Family requires sacrifice. Just ask God—He’s given everything for family.
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God is love—that is the deepest subject in the Bible.