Get on your knees—and fulfill your eternal calling
You could be dating toward marriage, but you’re not.
Are you listening to it? What is it teaching you?
As you become a godlier man, be sure to help develop other men.
In a lukewarm age, here is what you must do to see what God wants to accomplish through you as a man!
Have a healthy, balanced, positive yet realistic perspective on yourself instead.
It can help you build a mindset that is incredibly effective for God!
An urgent message from the Head of the God Family to the head of your family.
God blesses with wealth—but you must earn it and handle it the right way!
People like people people.
We must take on the same attitude toward sin that God has!
You’ll never be a success without drive.
God gives you the tactics and strategies you need in order to conquer—within His law.
Are you guilty of this? Take a look in the mirror.
God wants nothing more than for you to have abundant health and happiness.
The role of protector is perhaps the most fundamental aspect of a man’s duty.
Take your conversation to another level.
A valuable, and often underused, asset
You may not be aware of it, but it wants to run your life! What is it? You need to identify it so you can whip it into submission. Because once tamed, it actually makes a great companion!