This is your brain on sin.
There are reasons God made you “the stronger vessel.” Make sure you’re fulfilling them.
As powerful as the Holy Spirit is, it never forces, impels, commands or controls us.
How God has used and will use His power—and what that has to do with Pentecost
Exposing lies that are ruining young people’s lives
Why it’s crucial for you to learn to make the call
God wants to turn your family into a perfect picture of his master plan!
Want some awesome insights into God’s love? Then study the first two of the five main tabernacle offerings.
Why it’s better not to have a clean crib
Letdowns happen to us all. How we respond is what’s important.
Be upright, spiritually and physically
Which direction will it take you?
Will you be ready for Passover?
Marriage Counseling and Engagement
Steer your discussion into safer waters.
God has to know that He comes first in your life.
So, you failed. Now what?
A measuring tool for determining whether you’re gaining all you can from God’s Word.
Something to remember in life, in dating, in courtship