Showing 921 through 940 of 1770 results for "armstrong auditorium"
240616 Germany Pentecost_Britney Lorenz-3.png
two goats on a cliff
The Israelites must have been somewhat perplexed by the unusual ritual God commanded on the Day of Atonement. Today, however, its rich meaning is plain to God’s people.
16x9(Why marriage)
The Apostle Paul taught the Ephesian Church that the true purpose behind marriage was a great mystery. Do you know what that stupendous purpose is?
Senior couple are walking together through the autumn woods. The woman is arm in arm with her husband and is carrying leaves.
Seniors are a special group in God’s church.
ACT TEXAS Speedway 16x9.jpg
What do you do when you find a pearl of great price?
Life is a cost benefit analysis.
work encouragement
Three steps to learning the give way—helping others and yourself!
Psalm 137 paints a terrifying prophetic picture of a tragedy about to befall a great many of God’s people.
16x9(Is Patriotism sin)
Does the Bible teach us that it is wrong to love or be devoted to our country?
Rearview shot of an unrecognizable couple holding hands while at the beach
Claim your legacy of encouragement!
Hands counting us dollars with calculator and digital tablet
Three ways to emulate the man on the $100 bill
FLT 16x9.jpg
Department shifts focus toward online content.
16x9 (Gerald Flurry Visits Jerusalem)
16x9(BE Resourceful)
Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, USA at dawn.
What is your reaction to setbacks?
Trumpet economics writer Rob Morley teaches one of his other passions to Imperial Academy students.
EDMOND—Among the five columnists for, Robert Morley is the youngest, the only one who is not a Philadelphia Church of God minister, yet he has become the site’s best-known economy writer to readers inside and outside the …
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EDMOND—Monica Antonio donned an apron, grabbed a soup ladle and …
Robbers Cave and Galloway Scotland
Edstone campus follows 14-year-old college tradition of a yearly campout.
What is Charlemagne’s legacy? Few people know, even though the most prestigious prize in Europe is named after him.
In the midst of the chaos and destruction foretold in Bible prophecies, God offers the greatest reward to those who obey Him in this end time.