16x9 (The Secret to a Better Relationship With God)
Male on the sunrise in mountain
Using this tool God gives us will yield rewards greater than we can imagine.
16x9(Judging Righteously)
special photo toned f/x, focus point on hand (selective)
Christ says with what manner we judge now, we shall be judged.
Finances Grip
Are you held in the grip of financial woes? Do bills dictate your life? Do you worry about money? If so, be sure to read on!
16x9 (Don't waste time)
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Like so many other valuable resources in society, time has been abused and wasted. How valuable is your time? Are you using it effectively?
16x9 (Rise Early)
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
For God’s people, the most critical work of the day occurs before we leave for work.
16x9(The 30-Plus Program)
praying intently / the man communes with his God / desperate for his love
A basic prayer outline to help you with your most important relationship in life
16x5(Why Pray)
Closeup of a thoughtful smart business executive with colleagues in the background
If God knows all of our thoughts, why pray?
Cropped image of beautiful business team holding hands and praying while sitting in office
Grateful prayers can go a long way!
business people in a meeting at office
The singles event is a hidden gem nestled in the Feast that some people pass by without a second glance.
Let's go!
Does your child have Feast fever?
Adobe RGB (1998)
Singles, get ready for November 7-9—it’s Turnabout Weekend!
burning candle in human hands in darkness
A survey of more Old Testament offerings that provide prophecy and illuminate other wonderful spiritual truths.
16x9 Gift
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Service and gratitude are primarily expressed as attitudes!
Man writing
A good plan is half the rent.
Feet on starting block ready for a spring start.  Focus on leg of a athlete about to start a race in stadium with sun flare.
Are you running to win?
Caregiver serving a cup of coffee to 90 year old senior woman.
Wherever we live, our daily example can negatively or positively contribute or detract from the impact of God’s prophesy again commission.
A photograph of a little boy being disciplined.  An angry child stares back in anger and defiance as he is being disciplined.  The finger of an adult is pointing directly at him.
Receiving godly correction in the right attitude is one of a true Christian’s most important responsibilities
Mature businessman with hand on chin working on Desktop PC in office
A key to successful online dating experiences
Old books on a shelf
Samuel made sure everyone understood that the school he founded wasn’t just another college: It was God’s college!
Dreamy sunset on a gold wheat field with tracks leading to the sun, focus on the foreground plants
If we are to prepare ourselves for our future vocation, we had better understand what that vocation is.