There are reasons God made you “the stronger vessel.” Make sure you’re fulfilling them.
What future event does Pentecost represent? And what does this festival season and holy day require us to do in order to get ready for this event?
As powerful as the Holy Spirit is, it never forces, impels, commands or controls us.
Each Pentecost we remember how the Church of God was founded in A.D. 31 and the reason for its existence. Here’s a vital lesson from the creation account concerning the marriage between Jesus Christ and the Church.
How you can be FILLED with God’s Spirit!
Why it’s crucial for you to learn to make the call
God wants to turn your family into a perfect picture of his master plan!
The following is an e-mail that came in to our singles coordinators from a Philadelphia Church of God member.
May 12 marks the anniversary of John Amos’s death.
A simple yet vital way to ensure we stay far away from this deadly enemy
Do you uphold the Sabbath standard in your fellowship?
As we develop close friendships, we should be careful not to disregard someone too quickly based on first impressions or superficial information.
Want some awesome insights into God’s love? Then study the first two of the five main tabernacle offerings.
The key to a spiritually enriching feast of Unleavened Bread
Here are some keys to improving your diet by replacing those refined sugars with some sweet alternatives.
The joy and desire with which Israel left Egypt should impress upon us just how oppressive the ways of sin truly are.
Whether you are single, married, distant or down the street, here are some tips to freshen up your next dating experience.
Hurried preparation for the DUB is not conducive to the proper teaching of children.
As we deleaven our homes, cars and other property, let’s remember to clean our spiritual house as well.