You can prove the existence and the identity of the Church Christ founded!
No one can ever be saved by obeying the law—any law.
A real Christian is one who is led by the indwelling Spirit of God (Romans 8:9, 14). He lives God’s way.
Healthful living is sustained through healthy food, pure water and clean air.
From the book How to Pray
God shows His true Church the deepest love. The love of the Bridegroom for His Bride.
It’s time to face the reality of depression.
Step-by-step advice from a faithful source
God’s ministers must hammer home the basics!
Upholding godly standards makes the Sabbath a delight for them and everyone else
The vital connection for a strong marriage
We must shape the human spirit in our children so God can work with them as adults.
The sound way to get the right help with raising children
We should have a thankful attitude toward God every day.
How grateful are you for what God has provided you this year?
Could the way you dress keep you out of God’s Kingdom?
Learn to exercise the weightier matters of the law—judgment, mercy and faith—in dealing with sin.
Six thousand years of human history condemn the tradition of voting.