Joel Hilliker
Father and son fixing doorknob
The job might take a little longer—but is it ever worth it.
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A short meditation on Psalm 25:12-14
Teenage girl with flower looking into the mirror
A lot of people are quite negative about it. But it is a wonderful gift from God.
16x9(The Purpose of Priesthood)
The priesthood that God established in ancient Israel typified some exquisitely beautiful and profound truths for New Testament Christians.
Two strong hikers, one helping the other up a ridge to the summit as the sun sets behind them.
Learn to exercise authority over others in a way that makes them rejoice.
16x9 (Gerald Flurry Visits Jerusalem)
Choosing the key to success from hanging keys concept for aspirations, achievement and incentive
Use this, and you’re on your way to becoming a better musician, athlete, student, worker—whatever you desire!
16x9(Prayers of repentance)
A silhouette of a young Christian woman is bowing her head in prayer, and desperation outside during sunset.
A special gift in Scripture that will change your life
Gathering manna
clock hand
The inspiring reason why you need to make the most of your time!
Proud male teenage Caucasian soccer player holds up the tournament winning trophy after game. He is also wearing a medal around his neck and holding a soccer ball. He has red hair and is wearing a green uniform. Soccer players are in the background.
Learn to aim high in setting and achieving the right goals.
Family Eating Meal In Open Plan Kitchen Together
The benefits are beyond measuring!
Aged hourglass with flowing sand.
It’s natural to focus on your problems—but the majority of your prayers should be on something else.
Boy Staring
Training for kingship involves more than learning which fork to use.
16x9(How does emotion affect your dating)
Handsome Hispanic guy talking with a cute curly brunette at school
It can be a great blessing—or a terrible curse.
King N.jpg
Wise instruction on how to nurture the throne of David.
Portrait of two little children playing together outdoors
Learn to build people up.
Woman holding senior woman's hand on bed
Seize the opportunity to think about others more the way God does!
lonely musical instrument which is a trumpet on a black background
We must take on the same attitude toward sin that God has!
Entrance to the male and female toilet, stock photo
A great list to keep handy to improve your interactions with the opposite sex.