How thankful are we for the tremendous blessings we have been given in God’s Church?
Reminder, horizonal
How thankful are you?
16x9(Learn hard things)
Work now—and opportunities will follow.
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Level down, and level up!
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For those dark and stormy nights
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Supercharge your common sense.
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Do not let anyone or anything take this reward from you!
Wide field long exposure photo of the Milky Way. Cygnus region of the Milky Way with the Summer Triangle visible.
The hope of all mankind rests in the fulfillment of this holy day.
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Stop and think about why you keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
Space lines tunnel, abstract scene of flight in space, space traveling, time machine.
God is offering you eternity!
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Puppies can motivate us to do a lot.
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What makes you different from Lambeau
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“Satan’s most powerful weapon” is no match for God.
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Eight times that the Bible scooped scientists
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Lessons from young Napoleon
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What we can learn from a man with the heart of a beast
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Pray, learn and conquer!
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Championships start with the basics.
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The zeal of the Eternal leads to true success.
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Guard this more than anything else you possess.