16x9(Sin is)
woman reading the bible in the darkness over wooden table
To enjoy the blessings God wants to give us, we must 
deeply understand the way of life to avoid. 
Antique Clock Face
God’s people keep the Sabbath on Saturday each week. Some contend not only that the day the Sabbath is to be kept does not matter, but that the correct day cannot be known. You must agree with God on this issue if you are to obey and please Him.
You can look at Noah’s example and see that God saves a few.
16x9(The Word Made Flesh)
We need to understand why He was made flesh—and why John took us back to this earliest beginning.
16x9(True Gospel)
From the Bible Correspondence Course Staff
A glowing smiling Jack O' Lantern looking at the camera sitting on an old weathered wooden deck under the blue moon light. There are various size pumpkins and gourds sitting within the Fall leaves with a barn wall in the background.
This holiday—its decorations, costumes and fun—has a dark side that should make us want to stop going all out for Halloween.
16x9(Elijah's Prayer) Herbert W. Armstrong
The book of James concludes with an electrifying prophecy. God has at last revealed its true meaning.
16x9(Stepping stones)
Christ in us will turn every stumbling block, every trial, every crisis and every test into stepping-stones to the Kingdom of God.
Picture of Jerusalem and the Dome
Do we really go to heaven when we die?
Lazarus at the rich man's house. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker.
We are to take the whole Bible, not the New Testament only.
people person
People like people people.
16x9(Last Great Day)
Have you ever wondered what will happen to the billions and billions of people who have died, never learning of Jesus Christ or His Gospel?
16x9(Lessons from your Tabernacle)
The inspiring vision that you carry everywhere you go!
16x9(Speaker at the FOT)
We will soon be celebrating God’s Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day.
Artist mid adult woman looking herself on mirror. Dusts and dirts on the mirror...
The Feast is a time to express love and joy.
Boy and a cheetah walk down the street. New and improved.
For God’s people, the Feast of Tabernacles is truly one of the happiest times of the entire year.
why we attend the FOT - n.jpg
Why do you go to the Feast of Tabernacles? This may seem like a silly question. But it does deserve some thought.
16x9(Inspiring Feast)
Here’s how to have a successful Feast of Tabernacles.
16x9(Spread True Joy)
Portrait of a loving family of four spending time together outdoors
The Feast of Tabernacles offers God’s people a unique opportunity to express the JOY of God’s way of life! 
16x9(Two goats)
The annual religious festivals that God commands true Christians to observe are clearly discussed in Leviticus 23.