Bad habits die hard. Here’s a key trait you need to gain ground in your conversion process.
What to avoid, and what to do, in order to lead God’s way.
If you think buying things solves problems, you have a problem. Here’s the solution.
A brief meditation on Isaiah 32:1-2
God commands you to use it! Here is some practical help for conquering life’s obstacles in order to reap the rich rewards of regular family Bible study.
A bold, righteous man can beat back evil with great force.
Learn where the buck stops.
Confused by all the conflicting advice on food and nutrition out there? Don’t be. Healthy eating is simple.
Getting the big picture of the Bible
When times get tough, your response makes all the difference.
Are you teaching your children what holy means?
Which direction will your next step take you?
Five practical ways to strengthen a mental muscle that is critical to your salvation.
A duty held by God Himself—and you!
It’s one thing to tell God you’re going to do something. The hard part is the follow-through.
The most sacred place on Earth gives insight into the priestly privileges God is giving His saints today.
Spiritual truth about your physical diet, delivered by the end-time Elijah
Find the motivation to exercise.