Times are difficult. Satan is loose. God’s judgment is on His people. What advantage is there to being called now, out of season?
I thought there was a distinct possibility I would never be able to marry and have a family.
Each of us must ensure that they uphold God’s Philadelphian standards at Church services.
The reason human governments have failed so consistently throughout history is that they do not implement God’s perfect laws on proper administration of government.
Family requires sacrifice. Just ask God—He’s given everything for family.
On a recent date with my wife, I asked her, “Knowing what you know after being married for 14 years, what’s one lesson you’ve learned that would be good advice for singles who hope to marry?”
True friends are rare—and are true treasures in our lives. Here is how to magnify what you have to offer to your friends.
Israel’s history as a slave nation is knit within the fabric of its identity.
From macho men to metrosexuals, today many are mystified about the true nature of masculinity.
The all-important role of the father.
What can you do to make strangers feel apart of a family.
Part two of two articles about God’s glorious laws on how to treat our fellow man.
The first of two articles expounding on the glorious laws detailing the way God expects us to treat our fellow man.
They are some of the most dismissed and overlooked details in God’s law. Nevertheless, His statutes concerning clean and unclean contain powerfully relevant lessons for today’s Christians.
We are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and might—but how? God’s law provides some extremely practical, valuable step-by-step instruction.
They are far more relevant than most people believe.
Understand the expansive and magnificent vision embedded within God’s law.