David trained his heart like a great general trains a soldier.
The true, living Jesus Christ wants to have a relationship with you!
The problem is epic. The solution is simple.
To really become mature, you’ll need more than just an adult-sized body.
Stirring history that will inspire your preparation for the spring holy days.
Some thoughts on compatibility
Take your marriage to a higher level.
A survey of the wisdom and simplicity of God’s system of punishments for ancient Israel
A lesson from an uptight man of God
To the singles in the Church, God presents a grand challenge—and a wonderful opportunity.
The singles winter event is nearly here!
We must learn this core lesson of the spring holy days.
A look at God’s laws on judging and law enforcement
How dependable are you when someone beside you falls? That’s when the quality of your friendship is really tested.
Are you pushing yourself to exemplify the manliness that God wants in His Church?
Is this huckster hurting you and your family?
Lessons from the Israelites
Are parents doing what is best for their children–or simply what is most convenient for themselves?
The second of two articles studying how God’s laws point to the incredible spiritual reality of the God Family.