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Uncover key clues about the coming future world from the first garden God planted!
Diverse group of teens studying the Bible.
You can have an impact.
Woman holding senior woman's hand on bed
Seize the opportunity to think about others more the way God does!
The road once narrow now made broad
What you and the Hoover Dam have in common
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The most important relationship you will ever have
Reading between the lines in Genesis 1:20
What is your responsibility to your community?
Asking yourself this one question can make you a man or woman after God’s own heart.
An ordinary creature’s extraordinary impact
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‘Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.’
Girls reading and laughing together
From acquaintances to best buds, the Bible gives invaluable advice on relationships
Lesson from a Rock
And other peculiarities about this unusual king of ‘abominations’
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Could something strip you of your discretion?
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May the Bogan be with you.
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Power from beyond the galaxies
Hershey's Chocolate
A story of perseverance that you can indulge in.
How igniting your imagination can inspire a transformation