Showing 1201 through 1220 of 1770 results for "armstrong auditorium"
(Philadelphia Church of God)
CANADA—Over the summer, the Philadelphia Church of God’s Canadian regional office added …
Edstone Foods Dinner (8) 16x9.jpg
Rather than a term paper, junior and senior women prepare and serve a meal.
Bible and man in blue plaid reading it?
PAC Cardiff 16x9
Italian landscape
Excerpt from The True History of God’s True Church
16x9(Christian Fellowship)
The fact is, fellowship is much more than just plain conversation or catching up. It is the association in the furthering of a common goal.
A little girl looking at the camera
Has the feminist movement, so proudly praised for servicing women, done a disservice to the family?
Love on a Sticky Note
The word “love” is perhaps the most misused and misunderstood word in the English language today.
16x9(Christian Fellowship)
El hecho es que el compañerismo es mucho más que una simple conversación o ponerse al día. Es unirse para alcanzar una meta común.
20190725_5B Speech-8506951.jpg
One icebreaker, 11 six-minute speeches, loads of useful instruction
Hand with Red Pen Marking Job in Newspaper
Job hunting? Here are some helpful steps to aid you in the employment process.
Pentecostal service
Are the emotional shouts and utterances of some “Pentecostal” churches true manifestation of the New Testament gift of tongues? Or are these experiences a dangerous counterfeit? You need to know.
Rebekah and Eliezer at the well
God chose Rebekah to play a pivotal part in building the house of Jacob.
Bluebonnet Fields in Palmer, TX
You have to make the same choice that faced Adam: the tree of life, or the tree of death.
Brothers and sister raking autumn leaves. Kids are helping to clean autumn leaves from the garden lawn.
Create a new view of this four-letter word.
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Your personal[ity] training ground
Feast of Tabernacles Door Greeting
What kind of fear motivates you? 
Girl using laptop computer at home, smiling to camera
A lesson from an Imperial onliner