How much water can you cup in your hands? God measured Earth’s oceans in the palm of His hand!
It was the only true peace agreement in modern times! We were shown how to have true peace. But the world quickly moved on, and learned nothing. Now we are racing toward World War III.
Why does one of the wealthiest nations ever to exist in the history of man have such a problem with debt?
We must take on the same attitude toward sin that God has!
God commands you that they rejoice!
Some would never consider lying in a court of law but feel no remorse at giving false information on a job application.
The fact is, the real formula for success is to know and apply the seven laws of success.
We are getting ready to help Christ rule this world and the universe!
Stealing is the ‘acceptable’ sin. Could you be a thief? Here’s how you can prevent this sin from entering into your life.
You’ll never be a success without drive.
Here are seven points, straight out of the Bible, to help you understand this vital truth.
Even in harder economic times, people are addicted to idleness and ease. Here is how it is hurting us.
Do you know all there is to know about the Sixth Commandment?
Of the nine ‘beatitudes’ Jesus listed in what is commonly referred to as His Sermon on the Mount, the third is meekness.
Are you also missing out because you have yet to discover this eye-opening fact?
Is it possible you may be guilty of some form of idolatry? The sin of idolatry is more common than you might think.
We must understand what true Christian hospitality really is.
Some think it is a feeling in your heart. Others assume it is the Church.
Some confuse it with the Millennium. Just what is God’s Kingdom?
Psalm 83 tells us the nations that will not be allied with Iran when Germany and Europe conquer that nation and radical Islam.