16x9(The Goal of our work)
We are getting ready to help Christ rule this world and the universe!
Eight commandment, you should not steal with selective focus
Stealing is the ‘acceptable’ sin. Could you be a thief? Here’s how you can prevent this sin from entering into your life.
16x9(Live with energy)
Happy european workmen arranging building timber at farm
You’ll never be a success without drive.
16x9(Key of David)
Here are seven points, straight out of the Bible, to help you understand this vital truth. 
16x9(Sin of Idleness)
Even in harder economic times, people are addicted to idleness and ease. Here is how it is hurting us.
16x9 (Not Kill)
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Do you know all there is to know about the Sixth Commandment?
Apple on branch
Of the nine ‘beatitudes’ Jesus listed in what is commonly referred to as His Sermon on the Mount, the third is meekness.
16x9(Man holding a Bible)
Are you also missing out because you have yet to discover this eye-opening fact?
16x9(Flee Idolatry)
Is it possible you may be guilty of some form of idolatry? The sin of idolatry is more common than you might think.
16x9(Given to hospitality)
We must understand what true Christian hospitality really is.
Earth (16x9)
Some think it is a feeling in your heart. Others assume it is the Church. 
Some confuse it with the Millennium. Just what is God’s Kingdom? 
16x9(Mysterious Prophecy)
Psalm 83 tells us the nations that will not be allied with Iran when Germany and Europe conquer that nation and radical Islam.
16x9(The Holy Spirit)
A swiftly moving stream in shades of blue.
Let’s understand what the Holy Spirit is and how you may receive it.
old antique bible as an open book with sunlight bursting from the pages
What is the cause for the decline of American and British influence in the world?
Nebula (16x9)
This is a fundamental question of supreme importance, and it warrants serious attention and thought.
Failure (16x9)
Failure can be your greatest tool for achieving success.
Hoover Dam (16x9) as seen from the Nevada side, USA
An electrifying analogy
the hand reaches for help
How much compassion we have affects the Work of God.
16x9(Your Special Day)
birthday cupcake
It doesn’t come once a year—it comes once in a lifetime.
16x9(Joint-Heirs with Christ)
Wheat Ears
Those called in this age are called to do something no others will be required to do.