Wik Heerma
16x9(Building the Eternal Marriage)
wedding invitation
Each Pentecost we remember how the Church of God was founded in A.D. 31 and the reason for its existence. Here’s a vital lesson from the creation account concerning the marriage between Jesus Christ and the Church. 
16x9 (Self-examination)
The lead-up to Passover is a time when we ought to remember the great miracle God performed in leading us out of spiritual Egypt—out of sin.
16x9(Are you truly free?)
depression - close up of hand on chain-link fence.
How can we avoid being taken captive by Satan the devil after receiving our deliverance from the bonds of sin?
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What is behind this spring lovers’ festival? Is there any significance to the heart-shaped candies, winged cupids, and drawing of lots?
16x9(God's NT Holy Days)
Many claim the biblical holy days are ancient Jewish observances done away with at Christ’s crucifixion and that there is no proof of them being kept in the New Testament. Is this true? Did the New Testament Church ever keep them after Christ ascended to His Father? Are we to still keep these festivals today?
16x9(Baptized with fire)
Much confusion exists about the baptism with fire. Here is the plain, biblical truth.
16x9 (Stay out)
Large group of taxis on 7th Avenue at Times Square at night. Vast number of vehicles hit the streets and avenues of Manhattan every day. Almost half of cars are yellow taxis (well recognized city icon). Taxis are operated by private companies, licensed by the NYC Taxi Commission.
Coming out of this sin-filled, evil world is not easy. Staying out is even harder. How motivated are you to do what it takes never to return to the captivity of sin? 
Illustration of Christ's tomb
Was it really possible for the Logos to cease to exist? Discover the depth of God’s love for mankind.
Man is reading the holy bible.
How can you better understand the world’s all-time bestseller, the Holy Bible?
Colorful baby toy
Toys play a major role in the life of any child. But how do you select the right ones?
Holy Nation.jpg
After God brought the children of Israel out of the bondage of sin, He promised that they would be a holy nation. Today the Church of God is that holy nation of called-out ones. Here are steps you can take to attain holiness.
Guests at Wedding Reception
Here is how to develop the habit of appreciation.