Stephen Flurry
(16x9) Brethren of the Philadelphia Church of God enjoy a bit of fellowship
God gives us specific instructions about what we should talk about on His Sabbath.
After Acts 11, little is mentioned about their whereabouts. But the truth about their travels unlocks a marvelous mystery! 
16x9(Self righteous Job)
How could a man so right have been so wrong?
16x9(Most Important question)
Who and what is God? That’s the most important question there is—yet few people understand the answer.
16x9 (Why Suffering?)
A senior woman consoling her friend as they sit outdoors
The story of a massive dose of aversion therapy, and a 6,000-year experiment of epic proportions
Perhaps no word in the English language is used more often than the word love. Yet no word is more misunderstood. What is love—the kind of love God wants you to have? Man has his definition, but what does God say?
16x9 (Frustration Reading Bible)
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One cannot unlock the mystery in Bible prophecy without this indispensable key.
Herbert W. Armstrong Legacy
‘You can take pride in his legacy.’ –Ronald Reagan
Monthly calendar template for January of year Twenty Fifteen
Why is January 16 such an important date to the PCG?
Singles Jenna Natanawan, Parker Campbell, and Ms. Fleetwood at SWW 2021 making sushi.
It is the happy single who becomes the happy married person!
gouge wood chisel carpenter tool hammer in hand working wooden background
The man depicted in Western art is nothing like the one described in the Bible.
16x9 Construction
God’s view of expansion
16x9(Judging Righteously)
special photo toned f/x, focus point on hand (selective)
Christ says with what manner we judge now, we shall be judged.
16x9 (Don't waste time)
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Like so many other valuable resources in society, time has been abused and wasted. How valuable is your time? Are you using it effectively?
16x9(The 30-Plus Program)
praying intently / the man communes with his God / desperate for his love
A basic prayer outline to help you with your most important relationship in life
Soon, all of mankind will be at one with the mind of God.
Man was created to have rule and authority over the natural world.
Soon, the world will be enveloped with complete peace and harmony.
Feet on starting block ready for a spring start.  Focus on leg of a athlete about to start a race in stadium with sun flare.
Are you running to win?
Photo of a church's advertisement of Sunday worship, but is Sunday God's day or is it Saturday?
No belief is more common among traditional Christianity than Sunday observance. Yet, have you ever taken the time to prove this widely-accepted belief from the Bible?
A happy man outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
Life is sustained through food, water and oxygen.