Stephen Flurry
Apple on Bible
The benefits go well beyond your physical health.
Book with Light
Do you know where to go for limitless wisdom?
Group of kindergarten kids friends arm around sitting together
God’s youth are a part of His Family.
Blocking the sunset on a perfect afternoon
Character development is the most overlooked key to attaining a right education. Yet it is the most important key of all! Modern education has completely overlooked this important key.
Mount Rushmore set against a bright cloud free blue sky.
To our Founding Fathers, character was everything.
An engraved vintage illustration image portrait of the Elizabethan playwright William Shakespeare, from a Victorian book dated 1847 that is no longer in copyright
Are you as tough as Shakespeare?
Our children have a marvelous future. We have to prepare them for it.
This treasure of archaeological finds proves the biblical record.
Mr. Burns gives campers high fives as they enter the dining hall
Seven points for a productive post-PYC
16x9(Spiritual maturity)
little baby hand holding his mother finger in vintage color filter, selective focus
How you can be FILLED with God’s Spirit!
16x9(Calculating the Feast of Pentecost)
3d number 50 gold
Each holy day pictures a step in God’s great master plan. Keeping the feast of Pentecost on the right day is extremely important.
16x9(Television's Golden Age)
What are you filling your mind with?
16x9(How is your Sabbath conversation?)
Do you uphold the Sabbath standard in your fellowship?
16x9(Passover controversy)
As the Passover approaches, let’s hold fast to the precious truth God revealed through Mr. Armstrong.
16x9(The sin of idolatry)
Man carefully polishing his car with polishing gloves
It’s more common than you might think.
16x9(Did Christ Rise on Easter?)
Consider the one sign proving His messiahship.
Is that three days and three nights?
16x9(Your Spiritual Due Date)
Live life with a heightened sense of urgency.
16x9(You are saved by grace)
Page in the Bible showing part of the Ten Commandments
No one can ever be saved by obeying the law—any law.
16x9(Conquer Spiritual Lethargy)
Hands folded in prayer on a Holy Bible in church concept for faith, spirtuality and religion
What to do when you’ve been letting down