A look at the best wedding gown of all time
In the World Tomorrow, how will spirit beings and human beings interact?
Is your prayer list too short? Here are some effective ways to fill out the opening sections!
One verse in a psalm—and an inspiring Hebrew word—that shows what it truly means to be a real-life princess!
We will only grow as tall as we are rooted deep!
To keep a spiritual law, man needs a spiritual power!
A condemning prophecy in Amos 6, directed at God’s people in the end time who are leading a materialistic lifestyle, shows that music is one of the major factors bringing down Israel.
God created the universe to make music!
An essential tool in relating to young people can change life’s entire course!
What the Feast of Weeks means to the unbaptized and unmarried
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The key to a spiritually enriching feast of Unleavened Bread
Whether Christ returns tomorrow or not, urgency is part of a true Christians life.
Our strengths can be used to show us our weaknesses.
From acquaintances to best buds, the Bible gives invaluable advice on relationships.
Group dating, if done properly, can be an enriching part of teen life.
Do you know the differences between guys and girls?
How could God allow this world to be such an evil place?
He dares you to claim His blessings!
How often are our trials the result of a perspective warped by a lack of relaxed faith?