Ontario Spokesman Clubs Hold Annual Gala
Canadians share afternoon of topics, speeches, dining and dancing.

CANADA—About 50 members of the Philadelphia Church of God attended the annual end-of-year Spokesman Club gala and dinner dance on May 15 at the Nassagaweya Community Center in Milton, Ontario.

“I thought it was an excellent opportunity for the two clubs to come together to showcase the product of the club program,” club president Laskey Hart said. “It was also an excellent way for the families and dates of the club members to participate in Spokesman Club.”

Speech topics centered on the importance of reading biographies. After the closing lecture, Regional Director Fred Dattolo awarded a certificate of graduation to club member Rein Westerbaan.

Club member Stephen Maydanski said the event was “the most spectacular, sensational, special event, with a rousing club session and a dinner fit for God’s royalty.”