Parenting + Prophecy = Protection
A generational child-rearing lesson

I was born and raised in God’s Church under the direction of Herbert W. Armstrong. My teen years were dominated by in-home education in biblical prophecy. That’s not really surprising since the first book to impact my parents was The United States and Britain in Prophecy. They wanted to make sure that their children were grounded in the prophecies declared worldwide by God’s apostle (Deuteronomy 6:6-8). Dad and Mum used the Bible, maps, travel, news clippings, articles and family time viewing the World Tomorrow broadcast as a teaching template.

Time and again, I recall round table mealtime discussions of the very prophecies we see unfolding before us today. After Mr. Armstrong’s death, the church split, and I lost 99 percent of my friends. It was a deeply traumatic time. However, through it all the repetitious emphasis of Bible prophecies came to mind again and again. It was an anchor in the storm. It protected me and contributed to my decision to request attendance and baptism in the Philadelphia Church of God in 1991.

Now in my 40s, in my 20th year of marriage and raising four children—two of which are teens—I find myself repeating my parents’ prophecy-emphasized instruction. We often watch The Key of David as a family and then discuss it afterward.

Recently, Mr. Flurry delivered a program titled “The Psalm 83 Prophecy.” Based on my children’s feedback, I realized teens have a hard time understanding the King James translation, and connecting ancient biblical nations with their modern counterparts. Soon after, we had a local teen Bible study on this subject. With both teens and parents in attendance—following the format I remember as a teen in the Worldwide Church of God—we reviewed a map of the Middle East, then began by reviewing Mr. Flurry’s statement in the program, “One of the most mysterious prophecies in all the Bible is in Psalm chapter 83.”

The captivating broadcast explained the psalmist’s written reference to “thy people” (Psalm 83:1-4), as it relates to the physical nations of biblical Israel, the lost tribes whose identities are restored and explained in The United States and Britain in Prophecy , written by Mr. Armstrong and requested by millions worldwide.

Encapsulated in this psalm is a confederation with a unified policy of collective fury, targeting the biblical tribes identified today as nations located in Southern Africa, Australasia, Europe and North America (verse 5).

Joined by a treaty, these featured nations are specific countries located in the Middle East. The Key of David program revealed the apparent geographical enigma to the global viewing audience, identifying ancient Tyre and Gebal as modern Lebanon, Edom as Turkey, Ishmaelites as the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Moab and Ammon as the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, and the Hagarenes as civil war-torn Syria (verses 6-7).

This oil-rich Middle East confederate will form an alliance with Europe’s most dominant nation—Germany—anciently identified as Assyria, led by its father Assur (verse 8). General geopolitical assumption is that these Islamist countries act independently, yet Psalm 83 reveals a foreign policy interlocked with a German-led, 10-nation European combine of the Continent’s east and west (Revelation 13:1; 17:1-3, 7, 12).

These united European countries form the seventh and final resurrection of the ancient Holy Roman Empire, spiritually directed by a power Scripture identifies as “mystery, babylon the great” (Revelation 17:5).

Mr. Flurry pointed to a prophesied leader of this great combine stretching from Europe, across the Mediterranean, and into the heart of the Middle East (Daniel 8:9). The apex of the collaboration will result in cataclysmic consequences for the biblical nations of Israel, yet as the Prophet Isaiah wrote, there is a divine source directing the punishment (Isaiah 10:5-7).

The increased power and expansionism of Germany’s Middle East confederacy is revealed to be thunderously shattered in a moment by a greater supreme peace-enforcing power (Revelation 18-19). At the end of the Bible study, I asked various questions about the Psalm 83 prophecy to reinforce their comprehension, and the teens responded in fine manner.

For additional reading and reference on these prophecies, download Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and The King of the South. Finally, talk to your parents about Bible prophecy. Know where the biblical countries are located geographically. And then pray—ask God to imbed the particular prophecy deep into your mind. By doing so, your understanding and comprehension of sermons, Bible studies, articles and the broadcast will grow as never before.

Click here to watch Mr. Flurry’s Key of David broadcast on the Psalm 83 alliance.