Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Micah wrote about a shocking end-time event: God’s own Church rebelling and becoming His enemy. Learn how this tragic betrayal took place. Discover how to fight back and be loyal to God.
Important lessons from the book of Amos!
God created the angels with fiery, dazzling brilliance. As bright and stunning as these magnificent beings are, God says that your potential is far greater. Learn how even the angels desire to glimpse God’s plan for you.
The Gospels give a clear sign of Christ’s Second Coming. As the world hurtles toward destruction, this sign gives hope for a better future. This sign is as sure as the trees blooming before summer.
Inspiring truth from Psalm 82
Our world is on the edge of collapse. The cause: human nature. This invisible power has influenced every person in history, but you don’t have to be enslaved to it. Learn where human nature came from, how to conquer it, and the reward for doing so.
Man is master of the art of war. Today, the greatest threat to human survival is nuclear annihilation. Bible prophecy says that mankind will destroy himself unless Jesus Christ intervenes. The Bible also foretells a time when war will be abolished. Learn about a future free of violence and bloodshed.
It’s impossible to get discouraged when we are filled with the vision of New Jerusalem.
Israel’s greatest king had a marvelous relationship with God that serves as an example to all of us. To David, God truly was alive!
The Former Prophets are little-studied and greatly misunderstood.
Two weeks ago, Islamic terrorists rocked America with three separate attacks. These attacks are emblematic of an alarming reality: Never before has this country been so cursed. There is only one way to reverse the curse, and you won’t find it in a political movement or a national leader. Discover the true source of America’s blessings. Learn what is needed to make America great again…
This world’s women don’t think the way Hannah did!
Learn about the spiritual warfare that began before mankind was created and continues to this day.
Jesus Christ said that He would send a specific type of servant who would prepare the way for His Second Coming. Christ said this man would come in the end time, and would be like his ancient servant Elijah. This man has already come, just as Christ said he would. Learn about a recent religious leader who had the same power as a man of God who parted rivers, caused drought, and called down fire from heaven. Next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
No nation is more hostile to America than Iran . The Islamic nation is focused on spiting its mortal enemies America and the Jewish nation of Israel, unaware that a monstrous force is rising in Europe. It does not suspect that this rising German-led superpower already has it surrounded. Learn how an armed and angered Germany will crush Iran—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
A British newspaper recently exposed a secret plot to consolidate European power under a political dictator. These reports point to the prophesied reemergence of the terrifying Holy Roman Empire. Learn how the Nazis went underground after World War 2—and how they plan to make a devastating comeback—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
Learning lessons from great leaders of the past is critical to national well-being.
Christ’s greatest warning to this world is found in Matthew 24. What makes it
the greatest? It addresses the world’s greatest deception!
God had to teach His prophet, and us, a profound lesson, which carries phenomenal rewards.
God is preparing an incredible future position for you.